Calligraphy: You Make My Heart Sing

It's been a while since I posted my calligraphy! No excuses, but I've been waiting to get some new supplies because I overused what I had. I recently made a purchase at JetPens and I highly recommend them - super quick shipping, website has lovely UX, and they have a good variety of tools. 

I've been playing around with a number of different nibs, but I still go back to a beginner's favorite: Nikko G. I also got a new nib holder (pictured below) that has a good grip, and can hold two different size nibs. Totally obsessed!

You make my heart sing. Fun fact: I used to collect stickers when I was in elementary school. I remember I had one sticker with this quote, and recently these words have popped up in my head. It's such a lovely sentiment, and it's a refreshing way to tell somebody "I love you!"

Calligraphy: Be in the moment

Hello beautiful people!

Today's artwork is inspired by this little mantra I've had in my head for the past couple weeks: be in the moment. It is definitely one of those sayings that people, including myself, brush aside because it's been used so often that it's cliche sounding.

But I've since realized something about this saying that brings me comfort whenever anxiety kicks in or when I feel myself worrying about situations out of my immediate control. 

The present - it's all we really have. The past is over, and the future is not here yet. Our moments are temporary, they're fleeting at best. So instead of focusing on what will never be again (the past), and what isn't here yet (the future), we need to fully be and live in the present. 

It's 9PM now, going to make myself a cup of tea. Also, exciting news: starting a new job on Monday!

Calligraphy: Dream on, darling

Happy Sunday again! (Perhaps I should make this a weekly routine.)

Today's calligraphy piece is au natural, aka has not been digitized. I've began experimenting with watercolor, and am planning to ease my way into gouache paint. There's also a bit of ink bleeding here, so may need to purchase different paper too. 

But regardless, enjoy! A simple reminder to keep on going.